HUD & GFE: 2 CE hours
Attend Bill McAfee’s newest class, a detailed explanation of the HUD1 Settlement Statement and the Good Faith Estimate. You’ll learn the GFE Flow Chart, what tolerances are and the violation for not meeting them. You’ll also be taught which charges cannot change, which have a 10% variance and which can have unlimited changes.
The Basics of the Title Commitment: 2 CE hours
The Title Commitment as it relates to the new contract. Learn how to avoid common pitfalls.
The Basics of Business Planning and Marketing: NON CE CLASS
Learn how to put a comprehensive business plan together and market your clients effectively. Learn from an instructor who has owned businesses and understands how to motivate and educate at the same time.
The Basics of the HUD: 1 CE hour
Learn how to easily explain the HUD to your clients. Also, learn how to address ‘pre-paids’ and ‘non-allowables’ in your contract.
Advanced Foreclosures: 2 CE hours
Learn how the foreclosure process works; understand strategies and short sale procedures. And find out about pending legislation, which will change the process in 2008. More importantly learn from an instructor who has first hand knowledge of the process.
Empire Title’s New Agent Seminar: NON CE CLASS
This is an introductory class to help you begin to understand the new Contract, Title Commitment and HUD.
Real Estate Contract: 4 CE hours
Covering the NEW Contract, which became effective January 1st, 2008. Also learn how to avoid common pitfalls and mistakes, which cost you time and money.
Real Estate Commission Update Course: 4 CE hours
Learn the changes in the Contract to Buy and Sell Real Estate. There is a Fee for this class.
CTM eContracts: NON CE CLASS
Discover the next generation of Real Estate contracts by accessing your contracts, clients database & documents from anywhere at any time. This course covers the fundamental of interactive digital Real Estate contract & all the upgraded new features that CTM eContracts has to offer. Presented by CTMSoftware.
Advanced Course on eContracts: NON CE CLASS
This course covers the advanced concepts of interactive digital Real Estate contract and how it can help you further in your business growth. Presented by Debby Lewis of CTMSoftware.