“Marketing is not an event, but a process … It has a beginning, a middle, but never an end, for it is a process. You improve it, perfect it, change it, even pause it. But you never stop it completely.”

- Jay Conrad Levinson, Author of Guerilla Marketing

If your looking for new and innovative ways of increasing your exposure, you’ve come to the right place!  Empire Title is here to help you improve, perfect and even change your marketing strategies by offering the following services.
Order your Marketing Services by contacting your
Empire Title sales rep!

Flyers and Postcards
Choose from several template designs or
Custom made to your specification.
Premium heavy weight 32# glossy paper.
Color flyers (single sided) only 35 cents or B&W for only 10 cents.
Post Cards 4.25 x 5.5 100# glossy stock, 2 sided color $0.20 or
5.5 x 8.5 100# glossy stock, 2 sided color $0.36.
Other options are available.

Farm Packages.
Whether you are targeting a single street or an entire zip code, we can help you get the information you need to effectively and successfully market your business.

Labels and Lists.
We have access to databases that allow our Sales and Marketing Department to generate custom lists and Mailing Labels to help your company with lead generation.

(Each record starts at a charge of $0.03 and increases based on the amount of information being pulled. If you also request a set of labels with your list, there is an additional charge of $0.03 per record.)

Ownership & Encumbrance Reports (O&E’s).
Complete legal description of Property
Vesting information of Current Owner(s)
Status of current encumbrances
Basic County Recorder Information

O&E Fee is $5.00
O&E with Plat and Covenants - $10.00

Property Profile Books.
This book contains information that is custom tailored to the property which you are listing.
Area demographics around the property
Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&R’s) if any
Income, Household and Employment statics
Things to do, places to go and things to see
Closest public and private schools
Includes mailing labels and O&E information 

(There is a $15.00 charge for the Profile Book)

New Agent Seminars
Business Planning, Coaching and Marketing
Accredited Continuing Ed Classes offered monthly
The Basics of Title Commitments
The Basics of HUD-1 Settlement Statement
Real Estate Contracts
Advanced Foreclosure & Short Sales
The Annual Commission Update Courses
And many more…

Economic Updates and Consumer Focus available via email
Information on the economy, its trends and direction.

Contact your sales rep today!!!


Building and Maintaining a Positive and Professional Culture

In the following interview, Karen Ryan, broker/owner of Weichert, Realtors® – Coastal Properties in Hilton Head Island, S.C., discusses building and maintaining a positive and professional culture in her company. Karen Ryan Broker/Owner Weichert, Realtors® – Coastal Properties, a member of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World® Hilton Head Island, S.C. www.weichertcp.com Region served: […]

Elevated Lumber Prices Lead to Builder-Confidence Slip

Builder confidence dropped down two points to 68 in June, according to the latest National Association of Home Builders (NAHB)/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index (HMI). Experts say elevated lumber prices are to blame; however, the overall sentiment is still strong, as any above-50 readings point to a positive outlook. “Builders are optimistic about housing market […]

Family Teams: The New Succession Planning Model?

This month’s National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) Power Broker Roundtable discusses family teaming and succession planning. Moderator Christina Pappas, District Sales Manager, The Keyes Company, Miami, Fla.; Liaison for Large Firms & Industry Relations, NAR Panelists OB Jacobi, Co-President, Windemere Real Estate, Seattle, Wash. Jason Waugh, President/CEO, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Properties, Portland, Ore. Debbie […]

Our Locations

Colorado Springs

5555 Tech Center Drive, Suite #110,
Colorado Springs, CO 80919

Woodland Park

350 North Pine Street
Woodland Park, CO 80863

Canon City

1220 Main Street,
Canon City, CO 81212
Monthly Payment Results
Principal & Interest
Property Taxes
Homeowners Insurance
Total PITI Payment

Note: The accuracy and applicability of this calculator is not guaranteed, actual values may vary slightly. No printout is available for the data provided.